You know how you can tell when you’ve reached baller status? When you’re buying your lady a dress to wear for an individual date.

Bryce Harper’s girlfriend, Kayla Varner, tweeted the above tri-pane photo on Friday. Varner said in her tweet that Harper surprised her with flowers and a dress for a hot date.
Pretty sweet, huh? Varner quickly became the envy of her friends, and Harper looked smooth for pulling off the Richard Gere move.
Harper and Varner have known each other since at least high school in Nevada, where they were both standout athletes. Varner just completed her sophomore season as a soccer player at BYU.
Because he pulled off such a pimp move, we’ll give Bryce a break for his Jimmy Neutron-looking hair. He also made that selfie on the bottom left his Twitter avatar.
Nice-looking couple, right? Good for them. Yes, and I totally realize I am sitting here on a Friday night commenting on a date Bryce Harper and his girlfriend are going to have. Gotta love it.