Rafael Devers is becoming even hotter than sliced bread in Boston, but at the end of the day, he’s still just a 20-year-old kid coming of age in a new country.
In a translated interview with Marly Rivera of ESPN that ran on Saturday, the Red Sox rookie phenom told a funny story about eating here in America, one involving the golden arches as well as his own cooking skills (or lack thereof).
Per Rivera:

How was it when you got here to the U.S. and there wasn’t coconut fish [Devers’ favorite Dominican dish] around?
[Laughs] I ate at McDonald’s. But later on, after Rookie ball, I went to Low-A and from then on I lived in an apartment and there we could cook whatever we wanted. So that made it easier. We would eat better food.Who cooked?
Some of my teammates. I can’t cook. I can’t even boil an egg.
The Red Sox signed Devers back in 2013 when he was still just 16 years old. After over three years in the minors, Devers was called up late last month.
In fairness, Mickey D’s is quite popular with athletes in Devers’ age range. And while he might not be able to boil an egg, his three home runs in his first nine games with the Red Sox prove that Devers can at least hit a baseball just fine.
Image via MassLive on YouTube