Frank Beamer Thinks He Was Spied On
Not while he was getting his dirty-dirty on or anything like that, but something much more serious. Eight months after the Chick-Fil-A Bowl (man, they make one hell of a chicken sandwich by the way), the Sultan of Special Teams suspects there was some foul play going on with the Georgia coaching staff.
“We practiced out at Georgia Tech and we let all kinds of people through there … people we didn’t really know,” Beamer told The Roanoke Times. “And I thought it hurt us in the bowl game. I’m not blaming anybody … but I thought Georgia knew exactly what we were doing in several situations.”
Nothing like manning up to a bowl game loss by suspecting the other team of spying eight months after the fact. Man, what I wouldn’t give to see these two teams meet up again this year. Maybe Beamer should start closing his practices to the public so that he can’t use that as an excuse in the future.
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