On Saturday we posted a video of FOX 5 reporter Lindsay Murphy running the Albert Haynesworth conditioning test. Murphy beat Haynesworth’s time for the first 300 yard run but failed to complete the second shuttle run in the necessary time. As a result of the fuss over Haynesworth failing the test twice (and Murphy’s run), several other media members took the test as I learned via Hot Clicks. Two more media personalities took the test on Monday.
Our friend Michael David Smith of Pro Football Talk and Fanhouse aced the test, running the first 300 yards in 69 seconds and the second in 68. The second personality was Mike Golic of ESPN’s Mike and Mike in the Morning. Golic did not touch the line each time he ran 25 yards like was supposed to and he still struggled. Golic was huffing and puffing and I don’t think he passed even though the video says otherwise. Here’s the Mike Golic conditioning test video from ESPN for you to decide:
The one difference between Golic taking the test and everyone else is that Mike is about the only one who is somewhat comparable to Haynesworth. Albert rolls at 6’5″ and like 330lbs. Golid is a former defensive lineman. It’s quite different to run 600 yards at 150-200 pounds and to do it when you weigh 300-plus. That might make Mike’s performance more impressive than the others, but I still give MDS credit for passing both parts.
Mike Golic Passes The Test [ESPN Video]
Am I Fitter Than Albert Haynesworth? [MDS/Fanhouse]