Daniel Paille Takes a Steve Staios Slap Shot to the Face (Video)
NHL players are grown men, which means they get to make their own decisions. While more and more players are opting to wear a shield each year, there are still plenty who refuse. I’m not here to advocate that the NHL start forcing players to wear shields or a full cage since injuries are not all that common, but there is no arguing they would make the game safer. In fact, even the shield can’t protect you from all dangers. Just ask Bruins forward Daniel Paille, who took a Steve Staios slap shot directly to the face Monday night during a Boston victory. Check out the video of the brutal play:
If players wore cages, we’d have fewer nasty injuries from guys taking pucks to the face like this one that broke a jaw or this one that left some nasty cuts. Luckily, Paille was able to skate off under his own power and head to the locker room. He was sent for x-rays and to be examined by a specialist but it sounds like he’s going to be fine.