At least he took it out on himself, right? The reaction you see above from Marcos Baghdatis came after he fell behind two sets to Stanislas Wawrinka in the second round of the Australian Open on Tuesday night. In case you had trouble keeping track, that was four racquets he destroyed. From my limited knowledge of tennis, I understand that the racquets these professionals use can cost up to a few hundred dollars. That means Baghdatis may have destroyed over $1,000 worth of equipment in one minute. Impressive.
On a positive note, he didn’t smack a ball into the stands or freak out on an official. He sat down on the bench like an adult, threw a hissy fit like a child, and came out and took the next set. Unfortunately, Wawrinka still ended up taking the match. You have to wonder if things would have gone differently if Baghdatis had more racquets to smash.
H/T Deadspin for the video