I guess all this A-Rod the adulterer stuff started last year when the NY slime rags photographed him with that skank in Toronto. That led to wife Cynthia wearing a **** You t-shirt to Yankee Stadium, and ultimately, the Madonna rumors that came out last week. Since the whole Madonna incident, another former stripper has come out of the woodwork telling us about her affair with A-Rod that included two sexual encounters a few years ago. And most recently, it was John Rocker’s former girlfriend, Alicia Marie, coming out and saying how close she is/was with A-Rod. Wow. He’s quite the player. But my deal is for a guy pulling over a quarter billion dollars, how isn’t he pulling hotter chicks? Or to be more precise, what’s his preoccupation with the muscular, she-male types?
After the jump, there are pictures of all the ladies he’s been involved with. I would expect a better looking group.
A-Rod’s (ex?)wife, Cynthia:

Joslyn Morse, A-Rod’s stripper he got caught with in Toronto. Pics courtesy of With Leather

Madonna, who apparently is A-Rod’s soul mate according to kaballah, and definitely fits the muscular she-male type:

Candice Houlihan who met A-Rod at Fenway Park and claims to have put the curse on the Yankees in 2004

Alicia Marie, John Rocker’s ex, who claims she and A-Rod are just “good friends.”

There certainly seems to be a trend here, and I think fitness is definitely the common thread. These chicks are nasty big. I guess my vote would go for Candice, though I’m not too impressed by his selection.