Many feel that Derek Jeter leading a group that buys the Miami Marlins will be a good thing for Major League Baseball. But there apparently may be an unpopular move ahead from the new ownership group.
Fan Rag Sports’ Jon Heyman wrote on Friday about the purchase of the Marlins by the Jeter-led group. One detail Heyman added was that the Jeter group will likely remove the home run sculpture in left-center field.
From Heyman’s article:

One thing someone connected to the Jeter group has suggested will likely go: the home run sculpture in left-center field that was designed by artist Red Grooms and has been the subject of controversy.
Now that would be a shame.
The home run sculpture is mocked by some, including rival players, but it’s also something that gives the park part of its character. That along with the South Florida-style colors and the fish tank help to distinguish Marlins Park.
However, if you’re trying to set a more serious tone for the franchise, doing away with the hokey, carnival-like item would make sense.
H/T CBS Sports