The Mets have won two World Series, which is more than six franchises. That’s not bad considering they’ve been around for 50 years. But despite the two World Series titles, the Mets have only been to the playoffs seven times, and they’ve finished last in their division 13 times. That’s caused plenty of disappointment for fans, especially one man whose obituary referenced the team’s failures.
Former English professor Richard Spiegel died recently, and here is what was written about him:
The final, and an immensely popular course he taught, was that of the literature of baseball. This was thinly veiled therapy to alleviate the trauma he sustained from coaching arguably the worst Little League [sic] team in recorded (or unrecorded) history and from the sufferings he endured from 40 years as a devout Mets fan.
I just hope that’s not what my uncle’s obituary says (don’t worry Uncle Al, not pushing you into the grave). At least this guy’s obit didn’t have as angry of a tone as this Minnesota fan. Inept sports teams — killing fans for the past 100 years.
Thanks to Hot Clicks for sharing the story.