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#pounditThursday, February 6, 2025

Phillies scrap Pete Rose ceremony in light of statutory rape allegations

Pete Rose

A planned ceremony to induct Pete Rose into the Phillies Wall of Fame is off amid allegations that the former player committed statutory rape in the 1970s.

Documents made public as part of a libel lawsuit contained testimony from an alleged victim of Rose’s who said they had engaged in sexual activity when she was 14 or 15. Ohio’s age of consent is 16.

That was enough for the Phillies to pull the plug on a ceremony slated for Aug. 12 to induct Rose into their Wall of Fame, calling the decision a mutual one.

Rose spent five successful seasons in Philadelphia, helping them win the 1980 World Series.

Much as Rose would like to be in Cooperstown, these latest allegations should pretty much kill any small chance he had left of seeing that happen. The Phillies are making the right decision distancing themselves from him.