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#pounditSunday, June 30, 2024

Yankees 1B Ben Rice makes embarrassing blunder in field

Ben Rice waiting at first base

New York Yankees first baseman Ben Rice made a play so embarrassing in the field on Thursday it makes you wonder exactly what he was thinking.

The Toronto Blue Jays were batting with runners on second and third with nobody out in the bottom of the first inning of their game against the Yankees at Rogers Centre in Toronto. Justin Turner hit a soft ground ball off the end of his bat down the first base line.

Rather than field the ball and get an out, Rice decided to let the ball go and see if it would roll foul. He ended up looking silly when the ball hit first base and remained fair to bring in a run.

Why didn’t he just field the ball and take an out? What made him think that letting the ball roll foul an optimal play? It makes you wonder.

Thursday marked just the 10th MLB game of Rice’s career, so he’s new. But the 25-year-old has still been playing ball long enough where he should know better.


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