It’s Charles Barkley, so is it really shocking when he says something anymore? The guy raced an aging NBA official, sealed it with a kiss, and he followed that up by pissing off the entire Bay Area. So the man of many words was being interviewed on NESN to talk about the Celtics additions of Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett (which I admit I never thought would happen). Check out what he said about the new look Celtics:
You know the Celtics, their uniforms have gotten better. And they got a better looking team, because in the 80s, with McHale, Bird, and Parish, they had the ugliest team in NBA history. They had Bill Walton [he] was ugly too. I think their team is much better looking with Paul and Ray and Kevin. But their uniforms have gotten better and their team has gotten much better looking in the 2000s.
Not as if Charles Barkley is the foremost representative on looks and fashion, but I have to admit, that is pretty freaking funny. I swear, nothing is out of bounds when it comes to Sir Charles. I guess that’s what makes him great.