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#pounditTuesday, June 25, 2024

Kevin Durant responds to heckling fan with meme

Kevin Durant

Saturday marked the four-year anniversary of Kevin Durant choosing to sign with the Golden State Warriors in free agency. One heckling fan reminded him of that via Twitter with a profane message. The user called Durant some names and called him “weak”, then said “have a cupcake and bask in the glory of your easy road efforts.”

Durant responded with a meme.

It’s truly a wonder why Durant even bothers with trolls like that, but he does and has been doing so for a while. At least this time he didn’t respond from his burner.

Durant changed NBA history when he chose to sign with the Warriors. He left Oklahoma City even though the Thunder had the Warriors on the ropes in the playoffs the season before. Golden State immediately became one of the most dominant teams ever and won consecutive championships. They were competing for a third title until injuries derailed them, including Durant suffering a torn Achilles tendon in the NBA Finals.

Durant decided to leave the Warriors and signed with Brooklyn last year. He has not played a game for the Nets yet but is still under contract with them for at least two more seasons.


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