Between the Keep LeBron Out Web site and high ratings for the Miami Heat, we know they’re a popular yet polarizing team. But at 9-8 on the season, we don’t know if they even warrant the coverage. What we do know is that every angle of this team is covered to endless depths and that their news is frequently sensationalized. Take for instance this video from Saturday’s loss at Dallas. ESPN was playing this video on its SportsCenter loop, suggesting tension between Heat forward LeBron James and coach Erik Spoelstra. Check out LeBron bumping Spoelstra and let me know if you think anything of it:
At most, LeBron bumping Spoelstra indicates a lack of respect for the coach on the player’s behalf. At the least, it shows a guy heading to the bench after a timeout was called, who happened to bump into someone in his path because he was busy being pissed off at the team’s poor play. Maybe I’m just an optimist who still believes the Heat will improve drastically as the season goes on. Maybe I’m just missing the premonitions of Spoelstra’s eventual firing. Phil Jackson probably has our answer.