UPDATE: We now have a picture of Marbury’s tattoo
I’m a fan of Stephon Marbury and his Starbury shoes. Come on, anyone who sells a real pair of basketball sneakers for less than 20 bucks is pretty awesome. And with Steve and Barry’s filing for bankruptcy, Steph’s cut a deal with Amazon to sell the shoes for less than 10 bucks. Sounds like a good deal to me. Problem is Stephon himself may be a little too in love with his shoes, or rather, his logo.
Stephon Marbury bounded off the Knicks’ team bus at Vegas’ Valley High last night – a new tattoo inscribed on his left temple. The “3” logo found on his Starbury sneaker and apparel line is now a permanent part of his bald head.
Good thing the permanent tattoo ink wasn’t used on his Knick jersey.
Marbury’s explained his tats in a video with Dime Magazine, and many of his other ones have personal significance such as the names of his children and their birthdays. Those are some of the tats he has on his neck. Now he’s got one on his dome. Nice. Can’t wait to see how it looks, though I’m guessing it ain’t too pretty.