How perfect of a photoshop job was this one? Tim Duncan as Anton Chigurh from “No Country for Old Men”? Does it get any better than that?
The latest fantastic photoshop comes to us from Oklahoma artist Bennett Barry, and it’s perfect. It has Timmy just like Chigurh’s character and, if you put aside the maniacal killings and cattle prod gun, are they really that dissimilar? I mean just from the lack of emotion standpoint. Duncan doesn’t give any f—s, you know? He doesn’t show sympathy or empathy on the court. He’s all about his business, with only one mission in mind: kill win.
Can’t you just see him telling his opponent to flip a coin?

Between this, the hilarious “Jurassic Park” memes and the “Friday photoshop, the internet is absolutely killing it with Duncan during the NBA Finals.
H/T @Steve_OS