As if wearing a Giants hat to a Celtics game — in Boston no less — wasn’t enough to start a controversy, Brady may have had another trick up his sleeve. I don’t know where they get this stuff from, but the Detroit Free Press is a respectable enough source for me to share their words. Because this is just too good to pass up:
Now that we’re into the cool part of the playoffs, expect to see more celebrities in the stands.
The Boston Herald had an interesting note about Patriots quarterback (and Michigan Man) Tom Brady bumping actor Leonardo DiCaprio from his usual courtside seat during the Celtics’ Game 7 against the Cavaliers on Sunday. Leo was relegated to a suite “way, way up” in the new Garden.
“Interesting?” the Herald wrote. “We think so, considering Leo has gone to more Celtics games and has spent more time in Boston than No. 12 has this year. But who are we to judge?”
I can’t seem to find that tidbit in the Herald, but that’s coming from the DFP. Pretty funny, if you ask me. I guess it’s just payback by Tom for all the drunk dialing Leo’s been doing to his ex, and Tom’s current, Gisele. Hmm, now I think I know who bought the nudie Gisele pic for 193k.