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Larry Brown Sports Tagline. Brown Bag it, Baby.
#pounditSaturday, June 15, 2024

Everything Else

Chad Ochocinco Bought a Tiger (Picture)

You’re looking at a picture of Chad Ochocinco’s pet tiger.  As in he owns it.  He named it Emilio.  But we aren’t really surprised, are we?  Just another day in…

Even LSU Fans Picking on Brett Favre

Wow, you know things are bad when fans attending a game in which you’re not even playing still make fun of you! Such is the life for Brett Favre, whose…

Alex Rodriguez Gets the Last Laugh

Suck it, Feliz. By the way, it was only fair that A-Rod hit .190 and struck out looking to end the series. He’s still on the Rangers’ payroll ya know.

Tim Tebow Has a New Dog Named Bronco

You gotta love Tim Tebow. The week he scores his first career NFL touchdown, he goes out and gets a new dog named Bronco. Either that, or someone else lent…