Tyler Zeller and Cody Zeller play in the ACC and Big Ten, respectively. As we all know, Tyler is a senior forward for the powerhouse North Carolina Tarheels. The lesser known younger brother, Cody, is a freshman at Indiana. The ACC-Big Ten challenge gave the Zeller brothers’ parents a chance to watch both of their sons play on Wednesday night, which can only mean one thing: time for a combo jersey. Here is what the Zellers wore when they watched Cody play in Raleigh in then Tyler in Chapel Hill, as pointed out by the Fayetteville Observer:

Unfortunately, the combo shirt/jersey has become increasingly popular over the years. Just over a week ago we showed you the brutal combo jersey that Stephen Curry broke out to support his alma mater and his younger brother. I suppose the t-shirt isn’t as bad as the customized jersey, and they’re proud parents so we’ll let it slide. That being said, I wish the madness of the two-sided jersey would stop.