AJ McCarron came under a little fire over the weekend after he spent some time hanging out with a rapper who goes by the name Waka Flocka Flame. McCarron sent out a number of tweets saying how he was hanging out with Flocka and asking people to follow him. He also tweeted a photo of himself wearing the hat you see above, which McCarron thanked the Brick Squad Monopoly family (Flocka’s crew) for giving him.
When several followers began criticizing McCarron for wearing a hat that says “drugs” on it, he explained that the hats stand for a good cause. Apparently in this case DRUGS is an acronym for “Do Right U Gain Success.” That still doesn’t make it look right when a scholarship athlete has it on his head.
McCarron also tweeted a photo of himself alongside Flocka with the rapper wearing his championship ring and flipping the bird with it.
S/O to my bro @wakaflockabsm and the BSM family for showing me love last night and hanging with em. Wearing the RING twitter.com/10AJMcCarron/s…
— AJ McCarron (@10AJMcCarron) April 13, 2013
I’m guessing there’s no catchy acronym that goes along with that. Whether his intentions were good or not, this doesn’t seem like a good idea from McCarron. Waka Flocka Flame was arrested on drug and weapons charges back in 2011. Does having drugs in your home also stands for “Do Right U Gain Success?” This probably isn’t the type of crowd Nick Saban wants his quarterback hanging out with. I wonder how this stunning young lady feels about all this.