They’re so depressed in Strawberry Canyon right now about the football team going from national title contender to a four-loss squad in a matter of a few short weeks, that the protestors are jumping out of the branches to try and commit suicide. OK, maybe not. But those same Berkeley tree-dwellers that freaked out all the Tennessee Vols fans at the beginning of the college football season are still swinging on branches as a protest. Unfortunately for one of them, he suffered a humpty-dumpty like fate:
One of the tree-sitting protesters in a grove of oaks next to UC Berkeley’s Memorial Stadium was in the hospital Monday after taking a bone-breaking fall.
Nathaniel Hill, who fell at least 30 feet on Sunday night, was in stable condition at Highland Hospital in Oakland, a nursing supervisor at the hospital said.
“It’s just kind of a fluke that it happened,” the 24-year-old Hill said in a phone interview from his hospital bed Monday afternoon. He said he broke his wrist and ankle, both of which are in casts.
Hill estimated he was between 30 and 40 feet in the air when he fell from a rope he mistakenly thought his harness was attached to.
I honestly had been wondering how these guys never got hurt before. You seen em? They literally are living in the trees — those rent free bastards. You just knew this had to happend at some point, right? I’m guessing they’ll find some sort of way to blame Tedford for it.
(Thanks to my buddy Andy for the tip)