Manny Pacquiao is a congressman in the Philippines in addition to being one of the top boxers in the world, so his political viewpoints are influential. Pac Man is conservative and follows the word of the Bible, so it’s no surprise that he vehemently opposes President Obama’s acceptance of gay marriage.
“God’s words first … obey God’s law first before considering the laws of man,” Pacquiao said in response to Obama’s support of gay marriage.
“God only expects man and woman to be together and to be legally married, only if they so are in love with each other,” he told

“It should not be of the same sex so as to adulterate the altar of matrimony, like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah of Old.”
Pacquiao has changed his ways recently and tried to eliminate his vices. He’s also expressed stronger ties to God, so it’s no surprise to hear him talk this way.
I know he has his convictions on the matter, but I still wonder how it hurts non-gays to have gay marriage legalized. If two adults want to marry, why should they be stopped? If you’re telling me it’s because the Bible says so, I’m going to need a better reason. I still haven’t heard a good explanation for why people should be denied that right.
H/T Off the Bench