Good thing I’m not trying to make it as a college athlete otherwise I’d be screwed. Looks like my favorite drink out there — VitaminWater — has some flavors that would be banned in college for having questionable substances. Deadspin tipped me off to this story from the Brown Daily Herald:
Six of Vitaminwater’s 15 varieties contain common stimulants or other psychoactive chemicals that could be problematic for both the University and the student-athletes, according to Drug Free Sport, an organization that conducts drug testing for NCAA schools.
A student who tests positive for a banned substance above a certain level, according to the NCAA, loses a year of eligibility. An “impermissible” substance is one that is not banned, but is against the rules for coaches or trainers to provide to students.
I’d have to give up Power-C if I were playing otherwise I’d be out a year of eligibility because I love that stuff. Luckily my other favorites are on the approved list. Just goes to show once again that you can’t trust everything you put into your body — it’s probably worth researching ingredients before you ingest.