LeBron James Birthday Cake is Pretty Much Exactly What We Expected (Picture)
For those of who haven’t noticed, I’ve been away for a few days. One of the last things I got my blog on with before departing was a recap of the d-baggery Tiger Woods and LeBron James showed us over the past year, as both men celebrated the same birthday on December 30th. A few days later, LeBron celebrated his birthday the only way he knew how — with an overly obnoxious cake. Naturally, his highness tweeted a picture of it for the fans. Look at this picture of LeBron James’ birthday cake:
Forgive me for the sideways picture, but that’s the way he tweeted it and it fits better. Don’t you love the crown on top? All hail The King. I’m starting to wonder if this guy has any idea what the word “modest” means. Maybe we should all take the day off from work for his birthday next year.