Rick Perry Hopes to be the Tim Tebow of the Iowa Caucuses
Tim Tebow is truly infiltrating every aspect of America right now. He’s broken into the dictionary, breweries, wombs, and high schools, and now he’s become a part of the Iowa caucus.
Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry said at Thursday’s debate that he hopes to become the Tim Tebow of the Iowa caucuses. Here is the video:
“You know, there are a lot of people out there — I understand it. There are a lot of folks that said Tim Tebow wasn’t going to be a very good NFL quarterback. There are people that stood up and said well, he doesn’t have the right throwing mechanisms, or he doesn’t — you know, he is not playing the game right. You know, he won two national championships, and that looked pretty good. We’re the national champions in job creation back in Texas. But, am I ready for the next level? Let me tell you, I hope I am the Tim Tebow of the Iowa caucuses.”
Perry has been trailing in the polls and needs the push, so there’s no doubt the Tebow reference was a planned move. Here’s the thing: if you can take Iowa, that gives you excellent momentum moving forward. Kind of like the way the Broncos have reeled off a bunch of wins in a row. Well played Rick, well played.
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