Construction crews were working on Governors Stadium at Austin Peay State University on Thursday when a massive sinkhole opened up that extended into one of the end zones. According to the Clarksville Leaf Chronicle, the hole started out about 3 feet by 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep but has turned into a 40-foot deep hole while workers try to remedy the situation.
LIVE NOW: Sinkhole at Austin Peay University in Nashville, TN via @NC5 pic.twitter.com/J2dSsyNBdw
— CBS Newspath (@cbsnewspath) May 19, 2014

TAPE PLAYBACK NOW: Sinkhole at Austin Peay University in Clarksville, TN via @NC5 pic.twitter.com/5wpKS4duSL
— CBS Newspath (@cbsnewspath) May 19, 2014
Fortunately, no one was injured. Mike Jenkins, superintendent for Bell & Associates Construction, said underground limestone caves in that part of Tennessee are common and that his crew is always prepared for this type of occurrence.
“We actually put a line item in the budget for sinkhole remediation,” Jenkins explained. “You never know to what extent you’re going to run into them, but we know that Montgomery County, and Austin Peay State University specifically, is famous for sinkholes.”
The massive hole will now be filled with several layers of material and topped off by two feet of subgrade asphalt beneath the field turf. Jenkins estimates that the hole will be gone by the end of the week. On the bright side, at least this didn’t happen during a game.
H/T Dr. Saturday
Photo: Twitter/Amber Ungaro