Hank Haney and Tiger Woods engaged in a public dispute over the coach’s decision to write a book about his most famous student. Tiger said the book was “unprofessional and very disappointing.” Haney said his book was “fair and honest.” Based on the latest revelation from the book, I’m glad Haney wrote it.
According to FOXSports.com’s Robert Lusetitch, Tiger trained and aimed to join the Navy SEALs, taking after his father who was a special forces soldier in Vietnam.
Haney writes that Woods undertook dozens of trips to naval bases across the country “in a program that approximated the training for a Navy SEAL candidate.”
“The purpose was a sort of ‘dry run’ to determine whether he could physically and mentally handle the demands, and if so, whether he wanted to go forward with actually becoming a Navy SEAL,” Haney writes.
“To my knowledge, he did training in parachuting, self-defense, urban-warfare simulations and shooting.
Haney says Tiger went on a three-day parachuting exercise two weeks before the 2006 US Open and he was worried the military obsession was adversely affecting his game.
Tiger has put on several pounds of muscle over the years and developed a strong body. Many people thought that made him an athlete more than a golfer, and now we know one of the reasons why: he was training to be a Navy SEAL.
FOX has many more details about Tiger’s Navy SEALs desires and I strongly recommend you read their article for the rest.