Matt Kemp and Khloe Kardashian can deny deny deny that they’re in a relationship all they want, but who’s really buying it?
Radar Online says the Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder will spend Christmas Eve at the Kardashian Kompound in the Hidden Hills/Calabasas area of LA at the family’s big Christmas party. Around 200 guests are expected to attend, so Kemp will be one of the many, but there’s little doubt that he’s a VIP guest.
So far, sources have denied that Kardashian and Kemp are dating and instead say the two are just friends. But what would you expect them to say? It would be a bad look for Khloe divorce proceedings — and in general — for her to have already moved on to another guy when she just filed for divorce.
They can say they’re “just friends,” but does Kemp look to you like a guy who would allow himself to get stuck in the “friends zone”? Not a chance.