A 45-year-old woman is suing a 13-year-old boy after being hit in the face by the boy’s overthrown ball at a Little League two years ago. Seriously.
The woman, Elizabeth Lloyd of Manchester, New Jersey, was watching her son play a Little League game two years ago and was sitting five feet from the bullpen where Matthew Migliaccio, then 11, was warming up a pitcher. Migliaccio threw a ball that sailed over the pitcher’s head and hit Lloyd in the face. She had to undergo reconstructive surgery and says she now suffers from headaches.
Lloyd has hired an attorney who’s seeking $500,000 in damages, which is the maximum amount the family’s homeowner’s insurance covers.

Migliaccio has been forced to retain counsel, and his attorney calls the suit frivolous. We agree completely.
This is an absurd lawsuit. The woman shouldn’t be granted any money from the boy or his family, and she should be forced to pay for the boy’s attorney. Even though it sucks that she was hit and had to go through the surgery, she should have been aware of where she was sitting. And if there’s anyone she should be suing, it’s the league, and only for the cost of the medical bills.
Lawsuits have become the new form of wealth redistribution in this country and it sucks. It is one of the major flaws in our legal system and this is a prime example of lawsuits at their worst.