With a ferocious blizzard having ripped through the northeastern part of the country on Thursday and Friday, many people were forced to stay home from work when travel became extremely dangerous. At least one person couldn’t think of anything better to do on the snow day than screw with Mike Francesa, and we’re thankful for that.
Along with being arguably the most popular sports talk show host in the nation, Francesa is easily the most mocked and ridiculed. On Friday, a caller said he wanted to discuss some of the recent coaching hires across the NFL. He then suggested that Jerry Sandusky was a candidate to become the offesive coordinator of the New York Giants. Take it away, Mike.
“You waited on the line a half hour to make that contribution to the program?” an annoyed Francesa asked. “Seriously, I know it’s a snow day, but go shovel somebody’s walk. Go out there and add something to humanity (instead of) wasting your time for a half hour.

“That guy was on the line maybe 45 minutes to get on the air and his contribution is, ‘I think maybe Sandusky can be the offensive coordinator.’ Hysterical. You can make us all really laugh. We’re all really impressed by your wit.”
The thing Francesa may never understand is that his reaction is worth the 45-minute wait. If he simply hung up and went to the next caller, the prankster would probably be disappointed. Instead, he goes on and on and paves the way for the caller to end up on every sports blog in America. We can only hope Mike never figures that out.
Related: Caller tells Mike Francesa Jacoby Ellsbury deal might be best since Babe Ruth
H/T Jimmy Traina