Michael Phelps didn’t win eight gold medals at the Olympics four years ago solely because he is a naturally good swimmer. It took countless hours of preparation and a willingness to dedicate his entire life to swimming. Once the Beijing Olympics were over and he was officially the world record-holder for gold medals at a single Olympic games, Phelps decided to enjoy some well-deserved relaxation time. In fact, he packed on 25 pounds and sat around doing nothing.
“It was weird going from the highest of the high, the biggest point of your life — winning eight gold medals — and then saying, ‘All right, where do I go from here?'” Phelps reveals in the August issue of Details according to the NY Post. “I wasn’t motivated. I did nothing, literally nothing, for a long time. I gained 25 pounds.
“A friend of mine and I were playing football on the beach in Miami and somebody got a picture of us … (My friend said) ‘Bro, you gotta start working out, man. You are fat.'”
You know how your friends gain weight after college and stuff and you’re kind of surprised but you only talk about them behind their backs? Imagine if one of those friends was the greatest Olympic swimmer to ever live. I’d be shocked, too. Phelps said his 12,000 calorie diet is a myth, but perhaps it became a reality once the games were over. Fortunately for all the Phelps Phans out there, Michael has slimmed down again and is ready to go for London.
Photo credit: Jerry Lai-US PRESSWIRE