Javaris Crittenton is known for two things: being the other guy in the gunfight at the O.K. Corral inside the Washington Wizards locker room that essentially ended Gilbert Arenas’ career in DC, and for allegedly murdering a woman in Atlanta. Sounds like quite the savory character, right?
Well I’m sure it comes as no surprise to you that Crittenton was arrested last week as part of a sting operation for a drug cartel that busted 20 people. TMZ has unveiled further details of the arrest, and they say Crittenton and his crew are accused of attempting to move 400 kilos of cocaine and 10 pounds of weed.
The 10 pounds of weed are surely enough to get a baby rhinoceros high for a month, but 400 KILOS of coke? Do you have any idea how much that is? That’s nearly 900 POUNDS of cocaine. 900 pounds. The entire city of Miami didn’t snort 400 kilos of coke in 1985. OK, maybe they did. But seriously, that is a ridiculous amount of drugs.

Crittenton was a high school teammate of Dwight Howard back in Atlanta and once a very promising basketball prospect. He was alleged to have joined a Crips gang upon being traded to Los Angeles in 2011, leading to the shooting. Police allege the woman he shot and killed was not the intended target. Instead, they believe he was trying to shoot a Blood gang member.
Crittenton had been out on bond awaiting trial for the murder case. He is in jail without bond.