I’ve always been a big fan of Yahoo fantasy sports for a myriad of reasons — it’s user friendly, well-organized, and its game stats and fantasy stats are updated the quickest. That being said, ESPN is now coming on strong in the hunt to attract fantasy players. Witness:
The whole rock concert concept rules — Peter Gammons shredding on the guitar likes he’s Slash or something, John Kruk sporting some serious tats…and the greatest line…
“Look at me now, I just drafted Caaarlos Leeee”
Why Carlos Lee? Perhaps that’s what makes it so funny. Maybe it was intentional. Or maybe they couldn’t come up with anything else to rhyme with fantasy baseball for free.
Still, excellent commercial, had me rollin, and it’s already become a hit amongst the MLB Fanhouse crew…and truthfully, it might actually make me want to play ESPN fantasy baseball. Pat Lackey posted the video over at fanhouse, you should check it out, he’s done the commercial much more justice than I have.