So the Toledo athletic program has been embroiled in a recent point-shaving scandal. Just yesterday, reported that Bucs QB Bruce Gradkowski, had been named in the scandal. As you can imagine, his head coach, Jon Gruden, did not react kindly to the news.
I don’t watch ESPN. I don’t believe half of the (expletive) people on the channel. If Bruce Gradkowski is throwing games at Toledo, why in the hell does he lead the NCAA in passing percentages? That is a crock. You know, these reports make me sick.
I don’t believe there is any truth to it, and I’ll go to my grave believing that. I hope that ESPN3 or 4 or whatever has some real sources behind this story. It has nothing to do with the kid.
Wow. And they wonder why they call the guy Chucky. I would not want to be in a football meeting with that guy. Parents tuck their kids in at night and say Jon Gruden is going to get them if they’re bad. Yikes.
Chest Bump to the Host Known as BBM