Out of all the headlines saying that Andy Pettitte supposedly outed Roger Clemens in his meetings with Congress, everyone is missing one item I find to be particularly intriguing. According to the AP, Pettitte said in an affidavit that Clemens talked to him about 10 years ago about his HGH use. The AP says Clemens responded in the affidavit by saying Pettitte misunderstood him — Clemens supposedly was talking about his wife, Debbie’s HGH use, in that conversation 10 years ago. I’m really surprised that most people are missing this angle. Sure it’s huge news if Andy Pettitte outed Clemens, leaving the man subject to perjury charges. But is everyone missing the way Roger’s planning his defense of these charges? Almost worse than cheating the game by using steroids and HGH, not to mention lying about it, would be trying to pass the buck on your wife.
Here honey, your legacy isn’t on the line, you can take the bullet for me, right? Are you kidding me? I can’t believe I’m reading all this. I can’t speak definitively yet because this is only according to anonymous sources that told the AP, but still, the thought is just horrifically creepy. About the only thing I can think of that would be comparably bad was when Baylor coach Dave Bliss tried to cover up illegal financial aid trails by saying Patrick Dennehy paid his tuition by selling drugs, after Dennehy had been shot and killed by teammate Carlton Dotson. That was awful. This is pretty bad. I hope it’s not the truth, but maybe now we know why Roger walks and talks with such confidence: he’s blaming it all on his wife.
By the way, there is no mention of HGH use in Debbie Clemens’ recommended fitness tips. I know you were curious.