Former adult film star Lisa Ann has transitioned into sports radio, where she now has her own fantasy football show on SiriusXM Radio. The 43-year-old prides herself on having a close relationship with many professional athletes, in particular NBA players.
As such, Ann claims to understand some of the inner workings of the party scene for basketball stars. In an interview with SLAM Magazine this week, she spoke about her desire to educate NBA players on the risks that accompany enjoying the nightlife.
“My goal right now is to be able to speak at the rookie symposium and fill the players in on the gaps, things that athletes should look out for,” Ann said. “Nothing good happens after midnight. They have to understand it’s a sacrifice and you just can’t do it, and if you do, pay security to go with you. I don’t go out at night without security — why should they? I have a lot less to lose than they do.”

Perhaps the most interesting part of Ann’s conversation with SLAM was her theory on why players don’t take advantage of team security and sober drivers more often.
“When they ask, it alerts the coach, so when they sneak out at 3:30 in the morning to go to 1 OAK, they’re not telling anybody,” she said. “They’re afraid that if the security guards have to be called the team will know. It’s why players are getting DUIs too. They have driver service but they don’t want to the team to know.”
Basically, NBA players are like high schoolers who would rather drive home drunk than call their parents for a ride and have to admit they were out drinking.
We don’t know if we believe Ann when she says she helped one NBA star recover from a serious injury, but her insight about players not utilizing team security makes sense. There are likely plenty of instances where guys don’t want their coaches knowing what they do with their personal time.