Michael Vick Speaks About His Image
Vick was at a team-sponsored event on Monday night. FOX 5 in Atlanta was there to get the exclusive. They reported that Vick was greeted warmly by the fans. Mike was not surprised by the welcome:
It was a good reaction. They supposed to be positive. They supposed to be cheering for us.
Man, everywhere I go, all around the world, people still support Mike Vick. Regardless of what I go through people gonna love me man. It’s all good. I ain’t worried about that. My job is to win football games.
In the end, will you be exonerated? Man, no comment.
Wait a sec, the fans are supposed to be positive? Supposed to be cheering for the same guy who flipped them the bird last year? Don’t be too quick to jump to conclusions here, Mike. Oh, and for the record, I will bet the house (pun intended) that Vick doesn’t know what “exonerated” means.