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#pounditFriday, September 27, 2024

Spam ad redirects problem on LBS website seems to be fixed

We’ve got some good news for you. If you’re a loyal LBS reader who was affected by annoying spam redirect ads on the mobile website over the past few months, we think the issue has been resolved.

Over the last month to month and a half, we received multiple complaints from readers who were being annoyingly redirected to spam popup ads when trying to browse the site on their mobile devices. The complaints typically came from iPhone users. The issues were widespread.

Luckily for us, a reader named Chris who runs a great website design and web development company called West County Net offered to help us out. He and his team went through the entire site, sorted through all the code, and looked through our ads to try and narrow down the issue. We run many of our ads through Google AdSense, and it seems like there were a few rogue companies in AdSense that had these spammy ads that would cause the problem.

spam ad

If you are a website owner and experiencing similar problems, Chris and his team went through and blocked certain ad networks and ad categories within Google AdSense. We haven’t had any complaints since then. We also recommend you reach out to Chris’ team for help if you have problems since they were very helpful for us.

If you are an LBS reader who was experiencing these issues, we hope that you will go back to your previous browsing habits on your mobile device because we believe the issues have been resolved.

Some of you who did experience the issues wrote in to let us know about them. If you do experience a problem, please report it to us either via a comment on the website or email so that we can do our best to fix it and continue ensuring a positive browsing experience for you. Please let us know when you encountered the issue, what device you are using, and what internet browser you’re using as well — all of that will help us try to fix things.

Thank you for reading and sticking with us!


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