By now many of you have heard the story of Adam Greenberg, the former Major League baseball player whose career was cut short after he was drilled in the head with a fastball during his first MLB at-bat. Greenberg’s road to recovery has been long and challenging. Aside from the one memorable at-bat the Marlins gave him on Tuesday night, he has been unable to achieve his goal of returning to the majors.
Greenberg has, however, been able to continue playing baseball when it appeared his quality of life would never be the same — let alone his athletic ability. He says taking a deer antler velvet pill, an ancient Chinese remedy, helped him along the way. The treatment was recommended to Adam by his trusted chiropractor, Michael Lebowitz, who specialized in naturopathy.
“I was in a very, very dark place, just depressed,” Greenberg explained.
According to an excerpt of a new book called Jewish Jocks that was published on Deadspin, Greenberg was overwhelmed by the effectiveness of the deer antler velvet. His joints and muscles felt better and he recovered from workouts more quickly. He also felt as though his stamina saw a significant increase. Greenberg instantly became the supplement’s biggest fan and began spreading the word to anyone who would listen.
“It’s not a scam,” he said. “It’s not a scheme. The product works.”
In fact, Greenberg recruited a network of partners and started a company based on the product called LuRong Living. Adam said he is “one hundred percent” certain the company will succeed and that his story is real-life proof of that. Some of you will roll your eyes and insist it was all in his head, but even if the product did nothing scientifically but helped him “feel” better, didn’t it work? I guess that will be for potential consumers to decide.
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