Remember these famous last words? “I have never used steroids. Period. I don’t know how to say it any more clearly than that. Never. The reference to me in Mr. Canseco’s book is absolutely false. I am against the use of steroids.” Yeah. How’d that work out for you Rafael Palmeiro? Apparently Alex Rodriguez is trying to join his former Rangers teammate by living in lying infamy. Check out this interview A-Fraud conducted with 60 Minutes in ’07:
You’re putting me in a tough spot … these are my teammates, my friends. Oh yeah? This is YOU we’re talking about. Who’s the fraud now, huh? This would put a black eye on the game? You’re the one putting the black eye on the game. Did you think you were just going to scoot through this without anyone finding out? Maybe this is why he’s supported Barry Bonds throughout the negativity. And I’ll always say it — be leery of anyone who defends a juicer; it probably means he’s juicing, too.