Brian Wilson’s Beard Gets its Own Baseball Card in Topps’ Fabulous Face Set
Brian Wilson. Giants closer. Guy dressed like a freak at an awards show. He’s got a few tattoos and some funky hair. And he throws a ball pretty hard. Oh yeah, he also has a beard. Wow, imagine that. A person wears a long beard. Never seen that before.
I really don’t understand why people make a big deal of Brian Wilson and his beard, but they do. And people love it. So much so, that Wilson’s beard got its own card in a Topps baseball set.
The cards are an Allen & Ginter baseball set based on tobacco cards from the 1880s. They have a few special categories, one of which is the Fabulous Face Flocculence. There are 10 cards in the group, all of which depict a classic facial hair style. Number 10 on the list is Brian Wilson’s beard, pictured at right.
Wilson may get the card, but I’m honestly not sure he even has the best facial hair on his own team. Does this and this have him beat? You make the call.
Pictured below are eight of the other nine cards. They are in order: The Lincoln, The Ironing Board, The Bib, The Darwin, The Neckbeard, The Goat-Patch, Burnside’s Sideburns, Thunderchops, and The Closer. Unfortunately we couldn’t lock down a pic of No. 3, The Conscientious Objector.
I think Wilson should go for the Thunderchops next, but that’s just me.