Pictures: Barry Zito Mustache Helping Him Recover Faster
By now you have probably heard that Barry Zito was recently in a car accident. The Giants big-money pitcher has been dealing with a tight neck for a few days, but he says he is ready to make his scheduled start Sunday night after sticking to a strict treatment regimen. Likely story, but I like to think it’s because he took a page out of the Cardinals 2008 pitching staff’s book. Call it that, or call it channeling his inner Jason Giambi. The handle bars are missing, but call it pulling a John Axford if you so please. Whatever the case, I think it’s obvious Barry Zito’s mustache has helped him heal.
Zito says he is making his scheduled start because he can pitch through the tightness and would rather not screw up the Giants rotation this early in the year. In reality, he doesn’t want to reveal his secret. Believe me — the stache is the key.