Some people will tell you that a walk off home run is the most thrilling feat in baseball. Some say it’s an inside-the-parker. Some say it’s a steal of home. Others say it’s a diving catch to save the game. Me, I’d have to go with the strikeout. On the side of the hitter. Not once in a ballgame, not twice, not three times, but four times. In case you are unfamiliar with certain baseball parlance, the Golden Sombrero is the name given to the most outstanding of feats: a player who strikes out four times in a game. Here at LBS however, we have chosen to celebrate the Golden Sombrero. We will embrace it. And with that in mind, I would like to heretofor start a tradition in which all Golden Sombreros are recognized. From now on, anytime you see a player achieve the Sombrero, make sure you send it in. That man will be inducted into the LBS Golden Sombrero Club, and you will get some nice recognition on the site. And today, it is with much pride and excitement that I announce the induction of the first member in the LBS Golden Sombrero Club: Carlos Pena.
Mr. Pena led the AL in OPS last year, clubbing 46 home runs. He’s second in the AL right now with 7 bombs on the year. On Tuesday however, none of that mattered. Pena went 0-for-4, striking out four times. He thrice took the gas pipe against A.J. Burnett, and capped things off by K’ing against Brian Tallett in the 7th. The only good news for Pena Tuesday was that the game didn’t go extras. So to you, Carlos Pena, I salute you. And congratulations on being the first man inducted into the LBS Golden Sombrero Club. Hopefully you’ll have some solid company before long.