David Wright loses bet, wears Denard Robinson jersey during practice (Pictures)
Mets owner Fred Wilpon and his son Jeff Wilpon are Michigan men. Mets third baseman David Wright is a Virginia man. When the aforementioned parties found out that Virginia Tech would be playing Michigan in the Sugar Bowl back in January, Fred called Wright to propose a friendly wager. Michigan won 23-20 in overtime, and Wright squared up with the Wilpons earlier this week at spring training by wearing a Denard Robinson jersey.
“You can’t really say no to the owner,” Wright told MLB.com according to the Detroit Free Press. “You could expect a call when they’re 3-, 3 1/2-point favorites. I thought they forgot about it and then during the meeting, they broke out the jersey. Hopefully they get a rematch next year.”
I think we can all agree that it is much more fun when Maria Menounos loses a bet.
Pictures via @metsblog and @Official_TylerJ