We’ve shown several examples of crazy fans over the years here at LBS, and this certainly is up there with any of them. Fan Jeff Holko wanted to win a contest for playoff tickets so badly that he got his lower lip tattooed with the Detroit Tigers logo.
As The Last Angry Fan informs us, Holko is trying to win a contest run by Justin Verlander. The Tigers pitcher sent out a few tweets detailing his rules for the contest. “I’ll be giving away two playoff tickets to one of the ALDS home games,” he wrote. “Let me know why you should get the tickets and I’ll pick the winner. Get creative.”
Well, Holko certaily got creative, didn’t he? You really can’t beat someone getting an inner lip tattoo. The dude says he had to taste blood and ink for a week — that has to be worth something. Definitely the winner in my book, although I’m not sure which is worse: what Holko did, or what this fan did for playoff tickets. They’re both pretty bad.
Thanks to Sports Feeder 1 for the nice find