Nyjer Morgan is a wanted man in St. Louis following his antics on Wednesday evening against the Cardinals. The Brewers center fielder punched out to start the ninth against Chris Carpenter. He appeared to cuss at Carp and then escalated matters by chucking a wad of tobacco towards the mound. Albert Pujols came barreling in from first base, but Morgan was restrained by the umpire and Prince Fielder. The incident turned out to be nothing, but the Cardinals did win 2-0 to take two of three in the series. Then the real fireworks began.
Morgan called Albert Pujols out on his Tony Plush Twitter account after the game.

It’s pretty clear that Morgan is just hyping things up. He is an intense dude who plays with an edge during games, but for the most part he doesn’t mean any harm. Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if he took one in the ear the next time he faced St. Louis. Remember what happened the last time someone called out the Cardinals? It’s not all fun and games when your best player is being called a female.