Near the end of Wednesday’s Brewers-Reds game in Cincinnati, we saw a little bit of the testy Nyjer Morgan of old. It was the bottom of the ninth with the Brew Crew leading, 8-4, when Morgan was in pursuit of a ball sailing toward the front row of seats along the right foul line before he came in contact with an eager Reds fan. Morgan didn’t make the catch but would have likely had an easy snare if he was unimpeded. However, with the ball already in the stands, the fan had just as much right to go for the it as Morgan did.
As they untangled their arms, Morgan gave the fan a light shove and also barked some choice words as he walked away, which were returned with boos from the Cincy crowd. No telling why Morgan is making big stink while his team is comfortably ahead with two outs left. But in case you’ve forgotten (how can you not?), this isn’t the first time the man also known as Tony Plush has had questionable interactions with fans nor is the first time he’s thrown an overzealous fit during a game.
“It’s just one of those things where we were tangled up; I could have made a play on the ball,” Morgan said after the game. “I just gave him a little, ‘Get off me,’ because he was all on my arm and everything. Nothing major, but everybody might blow it up a little differently.”
Morgan has a history of this kind of thing, but I’ll be surprised if the league office tries to punish him in some way.
H/T Big League Stew