A pitcher who hit Tim Tebow with a pitch during a game on Monday later apologized for the “sin” he committed.
Spencer Turnbull, a 2014 second-round pick by the Detroit Tigers, pitched four scoreless innings and picked up the victory in the Salt River Rafters’ 9-1 victory over the Scottsdale Scorpions. In the second inning, he faced Tebow and hit the former Heisman Trophy winner with a pitch.
After the game, Turnbull, who is extremely religious, apologized on Twitter for his “sin” of hitting Tebow:

I pegged @TimTebow in my last start today…then immediately apologized cause I can't live with that sin on my conscience @MLBazFallLeague
— Spencer Turnbull (@spencerturnbull) November 14, 2016
You may think of Turnbull’s comment as being sarcastic, but there’s a very good chance it isn’t. Turnbull’s Twitter account is full of religious references and messages, so this could very well be complete honesty from him. At the very least, it reflects how highly thought of Tebow is — for good reason.
The game turned out to be Tebow’s most successful as a pro hitter — he went 2-for-3 for his first multi-hit game.