On Friday we showed you a video of a Tim Lincecum look-a-like who drives a cab in San Francisco. The Brazilian man who goes by the name of “Luiz” was offering Tim a million dollar cab ride to make up for the inconvenience of being mistaken for Lincecum constantly. The video went viral, and it prompted reporters to ask the real Lincecum about his doppleganger pictured below.

Lincecum said he had seen the video and that the resemblance was scary. According to the Mercury News, “Lincecum noticed that the guy’s smile lines were similar to his. But the lookalike’s eyes are a little more narrow.” Then Timmy hit on the real issue, saying “If this guy complains that everyone thinks he’s me, why doesn’t he cut his hair?”
Exactly. It’s pretty obvious “Luiz” the cab driver is trying to look like Timmy, just like this guy grew his hair and beard to look like Pau Gasol. When are they going to learn that looking like a professional athlete isn’t going to net you $600/hour? There is absolutely no skill involved in looking like someone (though admittedly you don’t need much skill to become rich or famous these days).