Much like his father, the outspoken Ozzie Guillen, Oney Guillen isn’t bashful about sharing his feelings. Oney was fired by the White Sox last Spring Training for being critical of the organization. Now he’s no longer a member of the organization, but his father remains the team’s manager, and he still defends his dad no matter what. Take for instance what happened this week.
Former White Sox closer Bobby Jenks, who signed with the Red Sox after not receiving the type of offer he wanted from Chicago, expressed some disappointment with the White Sox. He event went so far as to criticize Ozzie:
“With the way Ozzie was talking this winter and the way he treated me, I don’t want to fight with the guy. How many times did he question my ability, and then saying how he would love to have me back, but I would have to come to Spring Training and fight for the closer’s role like anyone else?
“Why would I come back to that negativity?” Jenks said. “I’m looking forward to playing for a manager who knows how to run a bullpen.”
Well it’s that type of criticism, and the last zinger about a manager who knows how to run a bullpen, that had Oney livid. The fiery youngster lashed out against Jenks with a couple of nuclear bombs on his twitter account.
Here’s what Oney Guillen wrote in a series of tweets:
hahah memo to bobby jenks get a clue u drink to much and u have had marital problems hugeee ones and the sox stood behind u
they did not air out ur dirty laundry, u came to srping not drinking and then u sucked and started srinking again be a man
be a man and tell the manager or the coaching staff how u feel or the organization when u were with the sox not when u leave
u cried in the managers office bc u have problems now u go and talk bad about the sox after they protected u for 7 years ungrateful
and u say the manager didnt trust u? he kept putting ur fat ass there and u kept blowing it, he never took u away from that role unreal
one little story remember when u couldnt handle ur drinking and u hit a poor arizona clubby in the face i do. and later u covered it with
Jenks may have fired at the White Sox with a cap gun, but Oney ended the battle with a blast from his bazooka. Even though he went overboard I don’t mind him sharing the other side of the story, especially after Jenks criticized Ozzie.
Jenks has been shaky the past two years and really struggled last season. Ozzie stuck with him and stood behind him most of the way, and the reality is Jenks did not deserve a raise or big contract offer from Chicago. He fired the first blast at the team because of hurt feelings and Oney put him in check. Maybe next time Bobby will be more grateful for the way a team treated him instead of being critical.